Italy – Milano

Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi

Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi is managed by Fondazione Milano and is the only school in Italy to offer training for every key profession in the field of theatre and live performance.

In the course of the program, future actors, directors, playwrights, dancers/choreographers and producers study and work together. In addition to exploring the specific subjects of their respective courses of study, each student participates in seminars and workshops with peers specialising in different disciplines. In this way, students develop their ability to work as a team and learn to share in each stage of the creative process with their colleagues, from project conception to its production on the stage.

The programs cover the various stages of theatre pedagogy, from introductory courses and basic training to advanced and lifelong learning courses for professionals. Alongside their training, students are engaged in dynamic artistic projects to forge a relationship with the city and the public by submitting their projects to national and international theatres and festivals.

Since the 2016/2017 academic year, the School has awarded first-level degrees for Acting and Directing and remains an important touchstone for alumni as they embark upon a profession in the theatre. To refine professionals’ expertise, the School also offers lifelong learning opportunities for specialisation and advanced training in master classes with great masters, study and research projects.

If you want to learn more about our academy, please click

Exchange Opportunities

Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi realizes student and teacher exchanges with specific partner academies. Since 2017 the Civica Scuola is part of the Erasmus programme and is now able to establish partnerships with universities and academies in a larger context. Additionally it manage formative and production projects with several international partners.

Get in touch

These are our E:UTSA representatives. In the case you would like to get in touch, just send a message!

Federica Cottini, student representative:

Paolo Giorgio, international relations representative:

Marco Plini, director: