Germany – Ludwigsburg

The Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg (ADK) in Ludwigsburg


The Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg (ADK), founded in 2007, prepares students for careers in theatre and also film. The institution aims to provide students with a practical and project-based training in Acting (Bachelor Degree), Directing (Bachelor Degree) and Dramaturgy (Master Degree) as well as in Stage and Costume Design at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. Interdisciplinarity is a core feature of the academic concept of the ADK.

The proximity to the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg and the campus shared by these two institutions as well as a close cooperation with the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design and the University of Education allow to react to an art that is exposed to constant changes. In addition to providing a thorough foundational training for theatre, the ADK offers integrated projects that explore new forms beyond established fields and genres by using the new media.

To build a bridge between studies and professional life and to get access to a wide range of different institutions and personalities in the field of theatrical and artistic practice, the ADK enjoys a fruitful exchange and cooperation with a number of theatres and art institutions through its participation at various festivals and guest performances in Germany and Europe such as in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Bonn, Freiburg, Esslingen, Trier, Munich, Frankfurt, Worms, Brno, Spoleto, Rome, Luxemburg etc).

Additionally the ADK is member of mitos21, a network of theatre professionals of important and influential theatre institutions.


If you want to learn more about our academy, please click

Absolutely beautiful

Exchange Opportunities

Scholarship possibilities for international exchanges with the The Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg (ADK) in Ludwigsburg

1) Baden-Wuerttemberg Stipendium/Scholarship 

The ADK is participating in a scholarship-program of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Foundation in Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg STIPENDIUM,   in order to support and encourage international exchange activities within EUTSA.

The following conditions:

         Duration at least 3 months

         Summer semester (April-July)

         Total scholarship amount approx. € 2.200,- 

         1-2 scholarships are offered for studies in acting

         Incoming students will be integrated in lessons, workshops and projects

         Preferably German language knowledge / at least English language knowledge

         The students will be selected by their home institution on the basis of academic merit and
suitability for study at the host university.

Application deadline is January 31st each year | Details will be determined after receipt of applications.
Application documents to submit:

letter of motivation with details to the courses of study
• vitae
• Transcript of Records
• Letter of recommendation of Head of Studies/Lecturer of home institution.


The ADK is also participating at the ERASMUS-mobility program of the EU allowing us to support incoming and outgoing students for exchanges within E:UTSA.


For further information please contact the International Office:

Claudia Valet
phone +49 7141 30996 11

Get in touch

These are our E:UTSA representatives. In the case you would like to get in touch, just send a message!


Mona Sharifi, designated student representative:

Ludger Engels (director), institution representative: