Spain – Madrid

The Real Escuela Superior Arte Dramático in Madrid


Real Escuela Superior Arte Dramático de Madrid (RESAD) is the oldest Spanish drama school and one of the most prestigious in Europe. Since 1831 it has been training theatre artists and professionals through a specialized educational program and a personalized teaching approach enabling its near 380 students to excel in all theatrical areas and skills. Our modern building hosts two full theaters and two smaller venues in addition to classrooms, rehearsal spaces, a costume collection and a library housing one of Spain’s best collections on theater literature. RESAD is a practice-based theatre learning institution open to the public with a faculty of more than 70 lecturers and professors and a prime location in the center of Madrid, which makes it a privileged place to study. Three university level degrees are offered: Acting, Stage Direction & Dramaturgy and Stage Design. Each degree follows a four-year program: Stage Direction & Dramaturgy is divided into two options: the first is oriented to directors and the second to playwrights and specialists in theatrical theory, criticism and pedagogy. Scenography’s students create their own sets and design many of the productions at the school through their degree program. The degree in Acting has the longest tradition at the RESAD and has been revitalized through several innovations. Students choose between Acting in text-based theatre, physical theatre and musical theatre. Two more departments Movement and Voice complete our curriculum and studies.


If you want to learn more about our academy, please click

Exchange Opportunities

The Department of International Relations is the contact point of RESAD abroad. From this Department all exchanges are organized: the participation of our students on international courses, their participation on international festivals, among others. It also manages the Erasmus program since 1995. During all these years RESAD has exchanged around 600 students, aprox 200 outgoing students and 400 incoming students. This Department is also responsible for foreign students who wish to apply to RESAD.

RESAD is part of E:UTSA since 2015.

Contact International Office: Raquel Perallón

Get in touch

These are our E:UTSA representatives. In the case you would like to get in touch, just send a message!

Cristina Bernal, Head of International Relations and Mobility programs Department:

– Raquel Perallón, International Relations Office:

– Ruben Saiz, student representative: